Therefore, the attraction of the mobile version is indisputable. It was already quite popular before on other platforms. But with complete content and unique pixel graphics style, Kathy Rain: Director’s Cut will attract even more fans and become popular soon. But it still attracts thousands of hits and receives positive comments from the gaming community. Currently, the game costs about 5$ per install for mobile platforms. Kathy Rain: Director’s Cut is a remake of a famous detective movie, first released in May 2016 on many platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, Nintendo Switch … And it is also officially available on Android and iOS published by Raw Fury.

Kathy Rain: Director’s Cut – Classic adventure detective game on mobile Download Kathy Rain: Director’s Cut APK for Android.How to install Kathy Rain: Director’s Cut?.Roleplay and participate in the game storyline.Kathy Rain: Director’s Cut – Classic adventure detective game on mobile.Introduce about Kathy Rain: Director’s Cut.Le a baidhsagal-motair agus pasgan de thoitean agus leabhar notaichean, bidh Kathy a’ sgrùdadh dìomhaireachdan ionadail a’ bhaile dham buin i, a bheir i air turas cliathadh le ùpraid tòcail is pearsanta. Tha Cathy na h-oileanach naidheachdas le toil làidir agus feumaidh i dèiligeadh ris an àm a dh’ fhalbh air a shàrachadh leis an rannsachadh aice air bàs dìomhair a seanair a chaochail o chionn ghoirid. Mar a bhios tu a’ rothaireachd do mhuc milis bho aon àite gu àite eile agus a’ ruith a-steach do gach seòrsa trioblaid! Tha Kathy Lane: The Director’s Cut mar ath-aithris air dìomhaireachd lorg-phoileas puing-is-cliog clasaigeach nan 2016 ’90s.Īnns an smeòrach rannsachail seo, nì thu: Luchdaich sìos Kathy Rain: Director's Cut Mod Build #5220 airson android apk & iphone ios 5.0